Tuesday, October 30, 2007


here is another post about the AMNH. i kinda got some imformation wrong in the last post, so im here to fix that. from that one film on the melting glacier named Russell, which is located in Grennland, not South America, is still melting from global warming. that limestone that is located in the Florida Keys, is mainly made of coral bc it was under the ocean 125, 000 years ago.

i was in the exihibit of the African Mammals to find pathos, logos, and ethos. the Lion itself said a lot when it came to ethos. in that little showcase, there was one male lion and about 4 lionesses--that told me a lot bc im a heavy believer in the Zodiac and men born under Leo the Lion have a tendecy to attract the women...i know its silly. the Giant Eland is similar to an Antolope, and they live in similar areas. each showcase gave a good amount of information.

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